Saturday, October 31, 2009

Time for Christmas shopping

Guess what time it is?!

At least it's a Friday night this time.

Before starting this note, I took advantage of the quiet to begin Christmas shopping. Bought a few things online but not via Amazon so far. Some years I've accomplished all shopping via Amazon.

I bought Sue a new laptop for Halloween. Spent less than $400 and it's an awesome machine! It's up and working as our Den system now, but have to put a bunch of our software on it tomorrow. The old Den desktop system was getting too slow for every day use, but we've kept it around as a file server for the home network. The new machine has Windows 7; looks different from XP, but sure was a dream when I went to connect the new box to the network...easiest network install I've ever experienced.

Soggy, gray fall here. Among the wettest Octobers on record for Chicagoland. Also among the coolest. I sure hope this isn't a sign for winter/snow ahead.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Stupid being up on a "school night". I usually do this insomnia thing on a Friday.

1) Having a good time at work. New software is working. Now trying to slowly but surely bend the culture to support better forecasting methods that the software supports.

2) Family is all good, even if details could be better. Rob is not in a 'perfect' job. He's been put on a second shift position. Laura is doing well professionally and is working toward a new boyfriend. Sue's co-workers include many too sick to work right now, and the same with me. Don't know if it's really H1N1 but just know there's stuff going around and it looks to be a long winter. Nobody among us Eilers on sick call for the moment.

3) Doing battle with my company proscribed long-term maintenance drug provider. They goofed and sent the wrong stuff rather than calling when they had a vague instruction in a prescription. So, they've billed for and have been paid for the wrong stuff and want to be billed and paid again when a more precise prescription is sent for the right stuff......we'll see who wins this. Want to bet? I can be pretty tenacious. Remember, I specialize in getting the right material to the right place at the right time.

4) Still warm and fuzzy from our vacation. Had a ball (if you couldn't tell) and have come home relaxed and worked the last week and a half with the benefit of the refreshment.

So, except for some relatively minor windmill tilting, stuff is good here.

If you haven't checked in for awhile, be sure to keep reading in the blog (Facebookers, that's ) There is a selected set of pictures from the vacation trip posted last week. Just a few of many, many now in our archives here.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Pictures from vacation

Lots and lots of pictures from Williamsburg, Yorktown and Jamestown. Here's a sampling.
Many historic buildings, people, craftsmen, and some time for nature too.

The silversmith at Colonial Williamsburg

A couple of law breakers suffering their punishment

We were lucky enough to see General Washington at Williamsburg

A regiment was drilling while we were there as well

These buildings are at Jamestown, reproductions of buildings dating from the 17th century

This home dates from the time of the American Revolution when Williamsburg was the capitol of Virginia.

A kitchen from the late 18th century on an early plantation. In Virginia, kitchens were commonly a seperate building from living quarters.

A representation of a Powhatan village at Jamestown. I always thought Powhatan was Pocahontas' dad....he was. The title Powhatan was the big chief, but it was also the name of the people he ruled.

Ships moored at Jamestown' on the James River some 50 miles inland from Chesapeake Bay

The chamber were the House of Burgesses met in Williamsburg. It was here that Richard Henry Lee introduced the resolution for independency that was unanimously adopted.

Our trip was mostly about history, but you know us....we have to get our nature fix as well.

Look closely at the base of the grass plants. There are a gillion mussels there. We canoed in the York River estuary at low tide.

These fiddler crabs are about two inches long. They were everywhere at low tide.

The York River estuary inland from Chesapeake Bay.

Shoreline along the York River

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Ahhh vacation #2

Here's a short installment. Here is Sue, the Captain of the Canoe on the York River estuary above it's entry into the Chesapeake.

We're having a ball.

Friday, October 9, 2009


Ready to go play tourist. Feels great to relax and know that I don't have to report for duty for a whole, blessed week.

Sue is mostly packed. I have the camera/computer bag organized, but have yet to start putting my clothes together. Still winding down from work.

Everybody we know who has been to Williamsburg has told us they really enjoyed it. I promise pictures, but not so many as to be tiresome.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Seems to be a pattern here

So, it's 4 a.m. on a Friday night/Saturday morning and here I am again.

Kind of a fun evening last night. I got home from work to find Sue playing with Nathan ( no surprise there as Friday is sitting for the grandson day). Then not long after Laura's boyfriend Kip came around, then after that Amanda (Nathan's mom) came by, then Sue was feeding everybody, then eventually Laura came home from work too. Nothing in all that activity that's a bit remarkable, and that's just the way I like it. Family activity of the normal sort. Couldn't have scripted it better.

A week from now Sue and I will be getting up (well, maybe not quite this early) and leaving for the airport to fly to Virginia for vacation. Looking forward to the trip.

Things at work are changing. New roles for people. Not all sorted out yet, but fresh opportunities on the horizon.....not bad changes, just new roles and responsibilities.

The fox was back Wednesday evening. Sue and Laura haven't seen him in the flesh yet, so they're jealous. The cats spotted a critter sometime after dark and we thought it might have been the fox, but when we turned on the back yard lights we found it to be a skunk instead. Ah, quality critters here!