Sunday, September 19, 2010

Lazy September Sunday

Hard to believe that summer is over. I hate to see it go. Some folks like fall, and it can be pretty, but I am always reminded that winter will follow.

Speaking of fall, we will have one good thing next

month. Sue and I are taking a week off and traveling to see the Great Smokey Mountains of Tennessee and North Carolina. We'll be gone the week of October 18 and we're praying for stellar weather that week. All reports are that the views should be spectacular then. I promise to post photo highlights.

Of course life at our house revolves around one of the very most handsome and intelligent grandsons there ever was. Here is photographic documentation of his handsomeness and brilliance.

Sorry the layout of the layout of this post isn't as brilliant as the child. I am losing patience trying to get it right, so will come back another time to make it look prettier.

Time to go work on supper. Sue and Laura both working today, so I'm in charge of meal prep. Pork roast is in the oven and summer squash casserole needs to be prepared.