Thursday, February 12, 2009

Hello there

Greetings and welcome to my brand new blog. I've started getting into the Facebook thing, and decided it was also time to learn what blogging was about.

I'm home today while the brand new granite countertops get installed in the newly remodelled kitchen. This seemed like a good way to use my time while the installers do their thing.

Aside from the entertainment value of starting a blog, I also have another purpose in mind. My job at Sara Lee will be ending at the end of the month, and I think that I may be able to take advantage of Blogging to market myself. So here goes nothing.


1 comment:

  1. I am sorry to hear about your job. I certainly with you well in you search for a new job.

    A couple of years ago I finally abandoned the personal web site and instead have been keeping up a blog. It really helps me to get information out, especially to my mother. Even if I do not call her as regularly as I should, she knows what is going on with us.
