Friday, March 20, 2009

The middle of the night, once again

Woke up with an upset tummy. When this happens I can sit up for awhile and my stomach will settle down, or I can lie there and try to tough it out and not sleep worth a hoot. I chose the former tonight. Stomach is feeling better already and I'll be good until morning when I go back to bed shortly.

Enough of those pleasantries.

Thanks to those of you who were helping diagnose a technical problem I was having with my professional blog-in-development. For some folks, everything looks great, but others couldn't display properly. I have an operating theory about what is happening and will attempt repairs tomorrow.

I got an interesting email from a management recruiter today, interesting but not encouraging. Rather than contacting me to see if I was interested in a job or knew someone who might be, she was looking to see if I knew of anyone who had jobs that needed filling. I responded that she and I were on parallel courses and would she please clue me in if she found anybody?

There do continue to be some positions posted, but I'm sure the competition for them is fierce. That's why I am spending the time getting together my 'marketing plan.' I need to present myself in such a way that is not only professional and convincing, but also which separates me from all the other professional and convincing candidates that are in the market. I applied for a likely sounding job today; now to keep hunting until these guys decide to call me back.

Tomorrow I think I'll finish the taxes. It looks like the feds may owe us some money, so better to get papers filed now rather than later. Once that's done Sue has a workshop project she desires for the kitchen....just a knife rack, so it won't take a lot of time, but something to do besides desk work for a day or so.

Spring is springing here, but not quite enough so yet to generate much yard work. It won't be long though. We're surely glad this winter is behind us....probably no record breaker, but certainly more winter than we've seen here in Chicagoland for years.

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